How Fair is NBA Schedule?

As we have 1230 NBA regular season games, do you think the games are being scheduled fairly? On the paper, it seems that some teams have easier schedules than the others; but with home stands and road trips all teams have to play 82 games in a 5.5. month time. To sum up research results, all I can speak that the further your team advances in last season’s playoff, the easier schedule will be awarded by NBA.

First of all, let’s have a look at the definitions used in this article and

B2B: The team is playing second leg of the back to back game sets

3IN4: Te team is playing 3rd game in 4 days. Please note that this situation may not be “B2B” game every time

4IN5: The team is playing 4th game in 5 days. Count it as a “B2B” game but arguably the toughest situation a team may have.

1: The team have rested 1 day

2: The team have rested 2 days

3: The team have rested 3 or more days

In the tables given below; I’ve had San Antonio and Cleveland in yellow.

When we look at the “total days off” table it’s understood that NBA allowed all teams a total ’70-79′ days rest. In professional sports, especially in basketball, what matters much is how frequent the teams have rest than how many days they do rest totally. The “total days off” sounds fishy; it makes people think there is a fairly setted schedule out there, but schedule researchs have made the subject clear: Some of the teams have been a little bit blessed by NBA.


Mem 79
Orl 78
Njn 76
Sac 76
Uta 76
Was 76
Den 75
Ind 75
Mil 75
Min 75
Phi 75
Pho 75
Cha 74
Dal 74
Hou 74
Nor 74
Por 74
Sea 74
Atl 73
Bos 73
Cle 73
Lal 73
Chi 72
San 72
Det 71
Mia 71
Nyk 71
Tor 71
Gol 70
Lac 70

{tab=3+ DAYS REST}

Phi 11
Tor 9
Cha 8
Cle 8
Hou 8
San 8
Was 8
Chi 7
Den 7
Lal 7
Min 7
Nor 7
Nyk 7
Por 7
Uta 7
Det 6
Gol 6
Lac 6
Njn 6
Orl 6
Sea 6
Atl 5
Bos 5
Dal 5
Ind 5
Mia 5
Sac 5
Mem 4
Mil 4
Pho 4

{tab=2 DAYS REST}

Mem 19
Mil 18
Ind 17
Atl 15
Njn 15
Sac 15
Mia 14
Orl 14
Pho 14
Por 14
Uta 14
Det 13
Bos 12
Den 12
Chi 11
Cle 11
Dal 11
Gol 11
Min 11
Cha 10
Lac 10
Nor 10
Nyk 10
Was 9
Hou 8
Lal 8
San 8
Sea 8
Phi 6
Tor 5

{tab=1 DAYS REST}

Sea 40
Dal 37
Lal 36
Pho 35
Bos 34
Hou 34
Tor 34
Was 34
Nor 33
Lac 32
Min 32
Orl 32
San 32
Sac 31
Cha 30
Den 30
Gol 30
Nyk 30
Phi 30
Chi 29
Mem 29
Atl 28
Mia 28
Njn 28
Cle 27
Det 27
Mil 27
Uta 27
Ind 26
Por 25

{tab=B 2 B}

Mem 12
Ind 11
Atl 9
Cle 9
Njn 9
Den 8
Det 8
Por 8
Sac 8
Orl 7
Phi 7
Uta 7
Chi 6
Gol 6
Min 6
Nyk 6
San 6
Bos 5
Cha 5
Dal 5
Hou 5
Lac 5
Mia 5
Mil 5
Pho 5
Lal 4
Nor 4
Was 4
Tor 3
Sea 1

{tab=3rd IN 4}

Lac 28
Tor 28
Nor 27
Cha 26
Lal 26
Mia 26
Nyk 26
Phi 26
San 26
Chi 25
Cle 25
Det 25
Gol 25
Sea 25
Hou 24
Mil 24
Por 24
Uta 24
Was 24
Atl 23
Bos 23
Min 23
Den 22
Sac 22
Dal 21
Ind 21
Njn 21
Orl 21
Pho 21
Mem 17

{tab=4th IN 5}

Chi 4
Gol 4
Mia 4
Mil 4
Por 4
Bos 3
Cha 3
Dal 3
Den 3
Det 3
Hou 3
Min 3
Njn 3
Nyk 3
Pho 3
Tor 3
Uta 3
Was 3
Atl 2
Cle 2
Ind 2
Orl 2
Phi 2
San 2
Sea 2
Lac 1
Lal 1
Mem 1
Nor 1
Sac 1
