NBA Teams That Have Analytics Department


(1) Regular scans in the offseason on LinkedIn, and Twitter.
(2) Team staff directories and media guides.
(3) Press releases and news alerts via Google Alerts
(4) People working in the analytics industry who have something to share.

(1) Professionals do not always update or provide information about their jobs when they join or leave a franchise.
(2) We read every detail they provide to eliminate people who wrote ‘Analytics’ but their role may fall under business operations, such as CRM or fan analytics, rather than basketball operations.
(3) Franchises often collaborate with external consultants or companies, but these partnerships may not be publicly disclosed unless announced in an official press release or media statement.

Our list was first published in 2009 and it has inspired many journalists and academics. It was a lot easier to update a few people for a handful of teams back in that time. Since then, franchises have invested heavily in their analytics departments. This is why keeping up with staff transactions has been difficult for us recently.

Feel free to share your information and help us improve accuracy.

Professionals Working at the NBA and Franchises

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